
Posts Tagged ‘Bastard snail army’

Here in Melbourne we are having the wettest December on record.  It started raining hard at 6pm last night and now at 8am the next morning it is still pouring. We have a dodgy roof which really comes into its own when it pours.  Woke up to find that our hot water heater had flooded, wooden dining table swelling up in a pool of water and a number of books ruined where rain has leaked onto my desk – oh well – our tanks are now full.

On the other hand the garden is looking lush and green and the Bastard Snail Army (BSA) is thriving – dam theirpc0900462 little slimy selves.  Chickens are over the rain and are campaigning for a return to drought conditions, both are looking very draggled and sorry for themselves.

Wanted to plant more climbing beans this weekend but it will be too wet for seeds to germinate before rotting.  Looks like this will be an indoor sewing weekend rather than gardening time.

Dam it! I can see the weeds growing from my desk window.  They love the rain more than anyone.

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